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The Virtue Signaling of Compliance

Writer's picture: Andy WhiteAndy White

The preconditioning and the grooming of the masses for total societal compliance continues non-stop. And there seems to be an emerging clear-cut line of demarcation between two groups of people. Those who see their compliance as some sort of a merit badge and use it to display and exhibit a higher moral standard (in their own minds), as opposed to others around them. What has become known today as “virtue signaling”. And then there is another group who can see and discern what is really behind the mask of tyranny. And it seems these two groups are on a collision course. Which group will win out in the end remains to be seen. My hope of course is for freedom, liberty, and reason to prevail. However, we are living in perilous and prophetic times, and the spirit of the age is driving this world to an inevitable climax where, in any case, and for a short time, a controlling world power will arise, and compliance will be mandatory, or you will lose your head. Literally.

In the meantime, the masses are being groomed for compliance. One step at a time. One day at a time. One exploited crisis after another at a time. That proverbial frog sitting in a pot of water slowly coming to a boil is comfortable in its complacency never for a moment thinking its compliance is a slowly churning death. That is what the deadly self deception of virtue signaling is like. It doesn’t matter whatsoever if what I’m doing actually has any real value as long as it looks like I’m doing something that shows to the world how much I really care!

Have you not noticed that no matter how much data, studies, and facts come out that both refutes and disproves the official narrative regarding masks, lockdowns, and plunging fatality rates, that even though the data is clearly showing that their narratives have been wrong every step of the way, (and this can be said regarding coronavirus, climate change, or any other "crisis" they can use to exploit for their purposes), they just turn around and double down on their narrative anyway! Now the Faucian gatekeepers of the narrative are saying that even if people get the Covid vaccine that doesn’t mean they can stop wearing masks or stop social distancing, no no no! There can’t be any return to an old “normal”! You must conform to our narrative and comply with what we say! And remember, your virtue will shine for all to see when you comply with what “they” say!

I heard someone who had recovered from Covid and then subsequently got vaccinated anyway, when asked, why did they get vaccinated having now developed the antibodies naturally (that is science), what made them get vaccinated anyway? (That is not what “the science” has ever said for the last 100 years of vaccination history). The answer they gave. “Well, what ‘they say is...’. THEY? Who exactly is the “they”? The narrative gate keepers in the propaganda media? The political powers that need to keep their narrative alive for the furtherance of their agenda? Who exactly is the “they” and why precisely are you listening to what “they” say?

Let me raise what ought to be an obvious question. Have you done your own investigation into all the information out there? Have you listened at all to those other epidemiologist’s and experts who are refuting the so called “science” of the official narrative? The “official narrative”, which by the way, is itself contradictory, convoluted, and hasn’t followed any scientific norms for over a year now! How many times have “they” changed their story? How many times have “they” moved the goalposts? How many times have “they” buried studies that empirically disproved their claims? How many times have “they” “cooked the books” to manipulate the data to say what “they” wanted it to say?

But never mind any of that. To maintain the virtue signaling of compliance I guess we’ll just need to keep following the “science” of what “they” say. After all, if they have anything down to a science it is certainly how to manipulate the masses.

As for me, I’m going to keep on repeating what I’ve been saying since the very beginning of this Covidian nightmare. Its not about your health, your safety, or the science. No matter how many times they repeat the word “science,” what they are promoting is precisely the opposite of science, it is the dogma of fear. Fear sells. Fear motivates to compliance. Fear is what propels their agenda. And the only virtue "they" are interested in is nothing less but your full obesiance to their agenda of compliance and control. Period. “They” have got one goal. They are stuck on stupid and intrepid in their agenda. And the agenda is about your compliance not the science. So be happy and content if that is what you want in the boiling water of your virtue signaling of compliance.

-Andy White-

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