By Andy White
(I originally wrote this article back in 2008. This is an updated and revised edition.)
“Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons…” (1 Tim.4:1)
For those of us who believe in Bible prophecy and are paying attention to the things that are going on in the world there is no doubt that we are living in incredibly prophetic times. The Bible tells us that one of the key elements of the final days before the return of the Lord is to be the almost total delusion and deception of the entire world. There will be a supernatural deception of people and even entire nations on such a vast scale that Satan, who is the Deceiver, will have the whole geo-political and governmental systems of this world under his control. Are you bewildered by what you see going on around you? Well, a great world-wide deception is being fashioned at this very moment and remarkably enough it is happening right in front of our very eyes! Make no mistake about! The world is being “set up" even now for the appearance of the Antichrist! Multitudes of people, in fact the overwhelming majority will be swept up into the greatest masquerade of all time! It will be a time that I call “The Great Deception”.
I think most rationale people would agree that it is truly mind numbing to see a world where there are those who are trying to convince us that men can have babies! A world where academic elitists cannot even define what a woman is! A culture that is trying to convince us that there are over 50 genders, or that gender is simply a social construct. We’ve got biological males turning the world of women’s sports on its head where men claiming to be women are winning all the events and stealing the prize and awards away from real women. Fantasy has overtaken reality. How is this even possible? What could possibly make people believe such irrational and unreasonable things?
It’s a Supernatural Deception – there is no other way to explain it!
The Devil’s power to influence and deceive is so pervasive in human society that it is likened to the air that we breathe. Paul call’s him, “The Prince of the power of the air” (Eph.2:2 / 6:12). In our modern world we might also call it – the “power of the air-waves”! Big Tech, Hollywood, and the mainstream media! However, the Prince of the power of the air is not only found in the “news media”, but also in the “print media” and the “entertainment media” as well. Propaganda and Popularity, these are the tools of the seducing and deceiving power of the Prince of the power of the air! Media manipulation and lies spoken in hypocrisy are used by “spiritual forces of wickedness” in order to deceive and manipulate the masses. The failure of people to recognize the spiritual dimension of what is commonly thought of as only secular is a fatal mistake! Spiritual forces are active within the institutional power complex which has developed into a global network of forces. (Eph.6:12) The powers and principalities of this worlds system are diligently at work, shaping and molding the thinking patterns and ideas of this end-time generation. “Spirits of demons” have been dispatched and sent out to deceive the entire world! This army of demon spirits is engaged in teaching and leading the world astray through a variety of lies and deceptions to ultimately bring mankind to destruction. We see this clearly laid out in the Book of Revelation.
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.”
(Rev. 16:13-14)
These three unclean spirits that come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet, are indicative of an army of principalities and powers that infiltrate and permeate the three main power complexes of society.
· The “mouth of the dragon” – speaks of the governmental and geopolitical realm. (Powers and Principalities)
· The “mouth of the beast” – speaks of the financial and economic realm. (The rulers of the darkness of this age)
· The “mouth of the false prophet” – speaks of the worship and religious realm. (Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly place)
This Satanic Trinity all work together as one to bring men and nations under their dominion and control. All strata of human affairs are under the contagion and influence of these demonic forces.
The Spirit of Antichrist is the root of this coming great deception!
Jesus warned us that in the last days, "…false Christ’s and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." (Matt. 24:24). And let there be no doubt! False prophets are not only found in counterfeit religious figures, but false prophets are also found among the political elites and “pundits”. False prophets are found on the daytime TV shows, and in the entertainment industry! They are all over the internet and social media! What are you watching? What are you listening to? Are you being careful as to what you are heeding? Can you stand to hear the truth? Jesus said, that, “if possible, even the elect would be deceived!” What’s going on? How could even the elect be deceived?
The influential power of the Stoicheion!`
“Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles (stoicheion) of the world, and not according to Christ.” (Col.2:8)
The phrase “basic principles” in Colossian’s 2:8 comes from the Greek word “stoicheion” [stoy-kai-on]. It is a fascinating word with a multi-faceted meaning. Its basic rudimentary idea is that of the “elements”. A study of this word in depth would entail a much broader discussion than I have purpose for here. Suffice it to say however, that the word “stoicheion” carries the idea of demon powers and principalities. In the Greek world the ‘stoicheia’ or the “elements” came to be seen as cosmic powers that were able to exert influence over the lives of men and woman. We can see this idea conveyed more clearly in these other translations of Colossians 2:8;
Col. 2:8 – New Living Translation
“Don’t let anyone lead you astray with empty philosophy and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the evil powers (stoicheion) of this world, and not from Christ.”
Col.2:8 – New Century Version
“Be sure that no one leads you away with false and empty teaching that is only human, which comes from the ruling spirits (stoicheion) of this world, and not from Christ."
Paul uses the word stoicheion in other passages as well, in Galatian’s he writes;
“But then, indeed, when you did not know God, you served those which by nature are not gods. But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements (stoicheion), [i.e. ruling spirits] to which you desire again to be in bondage?” (Gal. 4:8-11)
Paul is asking us here why in the world would we want to put ourselves back under the influence and deception of demons after coming to the true God!
“If with Christ you died to the basic principles (stoicheia) of the universe, why do you live as if you still belonged to the world? (Col. 2:20)
Paul states that in Christ we died to the ruling spirits of this world. If we are in Him and abiding in the truth, we are being renewed in the spirit of our mind and increasing in wisdom and discernment. However, if we neglect the truth or worse yet, reject it altogether – then we will be taken captive once again into deception by the ruling spirits and the power of the prince of the air. Thus, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons! Therefore, he prophesied regarding the last days, “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons…” (1 Tim.4:1)
Will there be “Christians” who will accept & embrace the Antichrist?
Sadly, it seems as though the answer is yes! If we are not grounded in the word, if we do not let the Word of God govern our lives – then the spirit of anti-Christ will govern us! If we reject certain portions of scripture because they are not “popular” or “politically correct” we are setting ourselves up for the day of deception! It is eminently clear to me that this is exactly how many will be deceived into receiving and embracing the "lawless one" when he arises. "For false Christ’s and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” They will be deceived precisely because they refused to hold to the love of the truth. “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie…” (2nd Thess.2:9)
Notice it says, "God will send them strong delusion..."! The coming great deception is a Supernatural deception! Yes! Satan is the “father of lies”, however, because people refuse the truth God then hands them over to believe the lie! And from that there is no turning back! As it is also written; “…Just as they have chosen their own ways, And their soul delights in their abominations, So will I choose their delusions…” (Isaiah 66:3-4) Folks! The only protection one can have from the coming great deception is to be set apart in the truth from this world’s system. The truth of the word must direct us in every facet and detail of our lives. Jesus prayed to the Father that He would sanctify His people by the truth (Jn.17). “Father! “Set them apart by Your truth”. Let His truth, the Word of truth be that which sets you and I apart from the world!
Do you hold to the knowledge of the truth regarding a creation which was designed and created by a Creator through His Divine fiat and not by the impersonal evolutionary forces of time & chance?
Do you hold to the truth in moral issues, such as marriage, relationships, and our God given sexuality as He designed it?
Do you hold to the truth in spiritual matters? All roads do not lead to heaven!
Do you hold to the truth in financial matters and in the precepts of biblical economics? Benevolence and charity are biblical! Marxist Socialism and Communism are a perversion and a corruption of the truth!
If Christians will not stand up for, embrace, and defend the truth fearlessly – then they will fall for every and any deception. The Stoicheia will see to it! We will be told that for the ‘good of the world”, and “for the good of the planet” we all need to “come together as one”. It sounds so noble! How could you be against that! Buyer beware! We will be told by the Stoicheia (i.e. – media forces) that we need to remove the societal stigmas and even national barriers that keep us apart. Buyer Beware! We will be told that peace and prosperity can only flourish when we recognize that we need to be a unified global community. (I recognize that we are a part of the global community on the one hand and that there are certain benefits to that – but we do not need to sacrifice our values nor our national sovereignty to an anti-Christ system!) We will be told that we must establish a global and unified currency and economic system. It all makes so much sense! And we are almost there now. All we need is a true visionary. A true leader who can bring us to the next level of societal evolution. A leader, who can bring us altogether and make it all happen! It all sounds so good. It all makes so much sense does it not? You will be called a fool to resist or oppose such a world as this! My friends, it’s almost here! It’s just moments away! The great set-up is already in motion. The great deception is coming! It’s a supernatural deception!
So where do you stand? Will you be able to resist the tide of popular opinion and the new enlightenment? Are you afraid of being laughed at by those around you because you believe in creationism and not evolution? Are you accepting the lie of evolution because you don’t want people to think your stupid? Are you afraid of being ridiculed by those around you because you are pro-life and don’t believe abortion is a valid moral choice? Are you afraid of being called a “homophobe” because you believe that the gay life style is unnatural and sinful as the word of God teaches, or do you believe that “part” is outdated? Will you allow the fear of ridicule, and the fear of man to dictate and define the fidelity and integrity of your faith? Will the fear of man govern the fear of God?
If so, then you are being set up for the Great Deception!
Truth matters! Only the embracing of the truth will sufficiently protect us from the deception of a lie. Deception holds a "double whammy" - deceived people of course have no idea that they are, in fact, deceived! No one ever admits or acknowledges that they are "deceived" at the present moment - it is only recognized after the fact, and after the damage has been done! No one ever says "I am deceived!" They always say, "I WAS deceived...". And by the time they realize it (if they do) it is too late! The damage is done.
My Friends, The Day of The Great Deception is coming upon this world. Pursue truth. Love the truth. Embrace the truth at all costs. The motto of a church I once served in was, “Truth was a Person before it was a doctrine.” Jesus is the truth and He will lead us into all truth if we abide in Him and in His Word! These are indeed prophetic times!
His Grace Is Still Amazing To me,