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  • Writer's pictureAndy White

The Audacity of Hypocrisy

I despise hypocrisy in every place that I see it. I hate when I see it in the church and among Christians. And I hate when I see it in leaders both spiritual and political. It is an affront to the truth. Hypocrisy makes a mockery out of truth, righteousness, and justice.

As a Christian I believe in speaking truth as far as to the extent that I can possibly know it. I believe it is imperative to walk in honesty, integrity, in truth, and in justice. It ought to be incontrovertible that it is incumbent upon all of us to see justice impartially executed in a fair and balanced way because we serve a God of truth and justice. And as the question was raised in the book of Job, “Does God subvert judgment? Or does the Almighty pervert justice?” (Job 8:3), we ought to be cognizant of who we must ultimately give an account to. Furthermore, that same God who does not subvert judgment and who does not pervert justice commands us to not follow the outraged lynch mob that is riled up by emotional lies and falsehoods. “You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice.” (Exodus 23:2)

One of the consequences and a fruit of hypocrisy is the perversion of justice. That is one reason way some of Jesus’s worse condemnations and scathing rebukes came against the leaders of the people, because of their false judgments and their contemptible hypocrisy.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, but have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith...For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and self-indulgence...Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness”. (Matthew 23:23-28)

Hypocrisy and lawlessness in the leaders of a people is a dangerous cancer. Now, let me emphasize something right here at this point, because I anticipate some may reflexively respond by saying, “Jesus was speaking to the religious leaders.” What you need to understand is that the religious leaders of the Jews were also their political leaders. The religious leaders were those who both “sat in Moses seat”, (Matt.23:1-3), in other words they adjudicated the laws of Israel to it’s citizens, and in Jesus’s day they also represented the Jews to the Roman authorities (John 19:12-15). Therefore, I can’t emphasize this enough because most don’t seem to understand that point. The Scribes and Pharisee’s were indeed religious leaders, but they were also more than that, they were political leaders. So these statements and principles of Jesus apply both in the ecclesiastical realm as well as the so called political realm. Which brings me to the important issue of the day.

Hypocrisy and lawlessness. That is precisely what is being hoisted upon the American people by many of its leaders today. And most particularly by the Democratic Party concerning their contemptible impeachment charade against Donald Trump. It is hypocrisy and lawlessness on parade, masquerading as truth and justice. They have traded in “The audacity of hope”, for the audacity of hypocrisy. And make no mistake about it, hypocrisy is especially dangerous to the social order when found in a people’s leaders. It feeds cynicism as well as being a contagion that leads to further lawlessness. And that is true, as I already stated, in both the ecclesiastical realm as well as in the political realm.

Now, to be sure, there is hypocrisy on both sides of the political aisle to one degree or another no doubt. However, one would have to be utterly and willfully blind in order to not see and to refuse to acknowledge the overwhelming hypocrisy that exists on the left that is bursting out at the seams. I couldn’t even begin to scratch the surface in the course of this article of all the outright lies and hypocrisy that has continually come from the Democrat’s and the leftists over the course of the last few decades, therefore, I will simply keep it to relatively recent events and relevant to the current state of things. But make no mistake about it, that for every single thing that the Democrat’s allege and accuse President Trump of doing, as well as their political opponents, they themselves have done in spades! Everything from blaming Trump for putting illegal aliens and their children in “cages” which was initially done by the Obama administration and his policies, to accusing Trump of withholding aid from Ukraine. Again, which was something that was actually and demonstrably done by the Obama administration on several levels and most notably publicized through a released video of Joe Biden bragging about forcing the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma Holdings a Ukrainian gas company that Hunter Biden was on the board of directors of. If the Ukrainian government wanted a billion-dollar aid package then they needed to fire the prosecutor, which they did, and then received the billion dollars. The media’s quintessential Quid Pro Quo! but alas! it was the Obama administration of course so there’s nothing to see here folks! It is probably rather superfluous to state that the Democratic Party along with their sycophantic media hacks are the masters of deception and projection. Yes, the audacity of hypocrisy is quite a thing to behold! Too bad it’s a disgusting thing to behold.

Remember back in 2010, when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that when asked what her favorite word is, she said her favorite word is “the word.”

“One time I was some place, and somebody said, ‘What is your favorite word?’ … And it was kind of not a particularly religious group, but I said to him, ‘My favorite word is the word, the word, and the word was made Christ,’” Pelosi said in a speech to the annual president’s conference of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.

“That’s my favorite word as I think of all that that implies, and whatever your beliefs, I say to those - l know yours, but for those I say - whatever your beliefs in life after death or whatever, eternity and the rest, if you don’t share the view that many of us have about eternity, then at least recognize the word was made Christ, and Christ was made our savior, and his example is such a blessing to the world,” she said.

So claims the advocate for baby butchering, LGBTQ affirming, and a person who legislatively embraces and advocates for everything that the actual Word condemns.

That’s the audacity of hypocrisy.

Now, I fully realize that there will be those who are reading this who will say what about all the things that President Trump does and says that are “unChrist-like”? “What about the hypocrisy of all those evangelical Christians who voted for him?” But the fact of the matter is I’ve never met, and I don’t know of one evangelical Christian who voted for Donald Trump who voted for him because he ever claimed to be a “man of the Word!”. Everyone knew who he was and were fully aware of all his flaws. Donald Trump never claimed to be a perfect church attending, bible adhering Christian at that time. He didn’t seek out the evangelical vote based on, or with an appeal to his personal fidelity to Christian norms, quite the contrary. He sought their support by saying he would support and fight for their interests. Pro life issues, as well as both conservative and faith issues. Which was something the other side clearly was not doing. Agree with it, or not, it was clearly a transactional relationship with no hypocrisy involved. There was no pretending surrounding that issue, those who voted for Donald Trump understood what they were getting, and it was a purely pragmatic decision based on the choices. For the record, I did not vote for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, I voted for a Christian third-party Candidate, but many if not almost all my evangelical friends voted for Donald Trump and I perfectly understand their rational and reasoning’s. Furthermore, say what you will regarding President Trump’s personality, he has in fact, kept his promises regarding the issues and policies that are of concern to most evangelicals.

Therefore, it is beyond laughable when I hear so-called Christians who voted for Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden demean and impugn the Christians who voted for Trump as hypocrites. Hillary Clinton openly calls herself a “Progressive”. Progressivism is in direct competition with Christianity and is seeking to supplant it. It is its opposition. So how can you claim to be a Christian while embracing that which is intrinsically in direct opposition to Christianity? Just last year the Democratic Party officially adopted a resolution drafted up by an LGBTQ advocacy group that essentially embraced a godless worldview and declared war on America’s Judeo-Christian foundation and heritage. As columnist Tom Gilson notes in a column in The Stream; (Aug. 30th, 2019) “The Democratic National Committee has taken its stand, and it’s against orthodox Christianity. It passed a resolution in August calling for the Party to be more inclusive toward non-believers. On its own that’s not remarkable. But the document also strongly denounces Christian belief and action...When a party takes aim at the Western world’s moral foundation, it’s no longer making mere political statements. This is a worldview statement.” (

The Democratic Party platform is irrefutably built upon a culture of death, deception, and doctrines of demons. Therefore, as far as I am concerned, the Democratic Party as it relates to Bible adhering Christians as such, is a political “Babylon” that God’s people need to flee from! “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.” (Revelation 18:4–5)

These phonies and hypocrites are the same people who have called for President Trump’s head on the silver platter of impeachment not just once, but twice now. A position that is clearly a head scratcher that defies both logic and credulity when one considers the historical and previous actions of the accusers.

Former president Barack Obama can tell the Russian President Medvedev, “Tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after the election”, but that’s not spoken of, nor investigated as collusion.

Obama can use taxpayers dollars to interfere in the Israeli election to help unseat Benjamin Netanyahu, but again, that’s not seen as collusion or interference in a foreign power’s election. Nothing to see here folks.

Obama can secretly send literally over a billion dollars of cash stacked on pallets, without anyone in congress knowing about it and circumventing international law, to Iran, in order to secure a nuclear deal with Iran; but that’s not questioned nor investigated as a “quid pro quo”, or as a bribe by the left.

Obama can block an Israeli legislator from entering the US. and no one says a word. And more recently (and relevant to the questions surrounding the impeachment accusations) the former US ambassador to the Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch can refuse visa’s to Ukrainian officials who wanted to come as witnesses in the Hunter Biden/Burisma investigation and all we get is…Crickets. (

Let’s take a further stroll down the selective memory lane of the Democrats hypocrisy.

Hillary Clinton and the DNC can pay Fusion GPS to use a foreign agent named Christopher Steele to produce a fraudulent dossier of sleaze allegedly from Russian sources in order to smear Donald Trump during a presidential campaign. But that’s not called “collusion”, even though it’s the very thing they tried to accuse Trump of doing. Of which, he was completely cleared and vindicated from doing by the Mueller report.

The DNC can collude with Ukrainian officials through the American embassy in Ukraine to undermine Trump and use some Ukrainians to interfere with the election in 2016...but hey...nothing to see here folks! (And no, despite the lefts relentless talking points, it’s not a conspiracy theory. A Ukrainian court indicted two Ukrainian parliamentarians for interfering in the US election, in order to help the Clinton campaign.) Yes, despite the disinformation that our media weaves, a Ukrainian court did in fact conclude that Ukrainian officials interfered in the US election with the express purpose of hurting Trump and helping the Clinton campaign. (

We really could go on and on pointing out all the duplicity, demagoguery, and political intrigue surrounding their hypocrisy, but I suspect it would be an exercise in futility inasmuch as this is exactly what the audacity of their hypocrisy consists of. Which is inherently full of pride, arrogance, elitism, and is utterly blinded to its own condition. It is unfortunately rarely a curable condition, and it is probably best to do what Jesus said of such, “Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.” (Matthew 15:14)

Having said that, I will nevertheless, sound the alarm. So, beware. And take note of how they have advanced their agenda’s down through the years. It would pay to take notice of the progression of the progressives and the leftists for the last 25-40 years. Thirty and forty years ago they were telling us that there were no absolutes. They were telling us that ethics and morality were situational. And of course, idea’s do have consequences.

But now! Now, they’re telling us that there is a right and wrong, but that they themselves are the ones who will determine what that is. They alone will insist upon what is right and absolute and if you don’t agree with them you are the one who is absolutely wrong! And not only are you wrong, but you will be branded, ostracized, shut down, and punished for disagreeing with them. As they call it today, the “cancel culture”! Those with opposing points of view will be canceled out as being an obstacle standing in the way of their liberal Utopia.

This new American fascism, this neo-fascism, is even more dangerous than all the other fascist philosophies and ideologies that have gone before it, whereas those were more political and socio-economic in nature, this new Fascism is rising up with the arrogance of a pseudo morality and spirituality, believing that it possesses the spiritual and moral high ground. Blinded to their own hypocrisy due to their ideology, they actually do believe that they are above the laws they put upon others. Indeed, as the Lord did say, “Woe to you also, lawyers! For you load men with burdens hard to bear, and you yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.” (Luke 11:46)

Hypocrisy. It is a stumbling block to others wherever, and whenever it is exhibited, but it is especially egregious and dangerous when found in the so-called leaders of the people. That is both the height, the depth, and the audacity of hypocrisy.

- Andy White -

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