America is on the road to catastrophe. America’s calamity is going to come suddenly, surprisingly, and shockingly. Almost everyone will be caught off guard! And the suddenness and surprise of it will leave most of us in a state of stunned shock. The Lord told Jeremiah regarding Judah and Jerusalem, “Behold, I will bring such a catastrophe on this place, that whoever hears of it, his ears will tingle.” (Jeremiah 19:3)
Such will it be in our days.
The things I’m going to share here are not easy to say. But I am compelled to say them. There are things I have been seeing for almost 40 years now, and things that I am seeing as a very real and distinct possibility even now in these days. I’m not saying that they will happen precisely in the way I lay out here with 100% absolute certainty. However, I do believe there is a high probability and a grave possibility that a scenario such as this will come to pass.
America has become a modern day Sodom, and like Sodom our judgement is surely and inevitably coming.
I believe America will be hit by a surprise multi-pronged coordinated attack by China, Russia, Iran, and perhaps even Turkey might be involved somehow, (possibly by taking control of the Incirlik airbase in Turkey thereby hampering our efforts to operate in that region)
But the main invasion and coordinated attack will be from China and Russia, with Iranian sleeper cells (which according to reports are already in place here in America) doing sabotage missions on local infrastructure and power grid targets.
Over the course of the last 50-75 years, there have been several explicit prophecies concerning the judgement of America coming by way of the Russians and the Chinese. None of the prophetic words given by several different individuals over the course of the years ever gave a specific time frame as to when these events would occur. I can’t help but sense the time is nearing.
In 1954 AA Allen, had a very detailed vision of the destruction of America by the Russians. Then in 1986 Henry Gruver had a vision of the invasion of America and its total destruction by the hands of the Russians and the Chinese. In another prophetic vision Dumitru Duduman said that, “...there will be an internal revolution in America, started by the Communists. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans, Russia... will attack! The Russians will bombard the nuclear missile silos in America. America will burn.” In 1985 David Wilkerson prophesied: “America is going to be destroyed by fire! Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America and this nation will be no more. It is because America has sinned against the greatest light. Other nations are just as sinful, but none are as flooded with gospel light as ours. God is going to judge America for its violence, its crimes, its backsliding, its murdering of millions of babies, its flaunting of homosexuality and sadomasochism, its corruption, its drunkenness and drug abuse, its form of godliness without power, its Luke warmness toward Christ, its rampant divorce and adultery, its lewd pornography, its child molestation's, its cheating, its robbing, its dirty movies, and its occult practices. An attack from Russia, and "The great holocaust follows an economic collapse in America.”
Times and Seasons
I recognize some will dismiss these prophecies, and that to one degree or another the current geopolitics of the day influenced these men. However, after having personally read through the texts of these prophecies and looking at where we are today on the prophetic calendar and watching how all the players are coming into alignment, both militarily and geo-politically, along with several vivid dreams I’ve personally had over the course of several years of America coming under attack, I cannot summarily dismiss the prophecies that have gone before. The very reason I searched them out in the first place was to see how they compared to my dreams and what I’ve been seeing in the spirit.
The enemies of America are supernaturally being drawn together. When they come, they are going to catch this entire nation completely by surprise. Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:3; “For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.”
So very often I feel like Jeremiah. I don’t want to say these things. I don’t want to write these things. I know exactly how Jeremiah felt. (To be clear, I’m not claiming to be a Jeremiah, I’m simply saying I can understand how he felt.) Jeremiah was feeling distraught and dejected. He was speaking the words and the things that God was telling him to speak, but the people mocked and ridiculed him. In a moment of discouragement Jeremiah complained to God saying; “Lord, you tricked me, and I was fooled. You are stronger than I am, so you won. I have become a joke; everyone makes fun of me all day long. Every time I speak, I am always shouting about violence and destruction. I tell the people about the message I received from the Lord, but this only brings me insults. The people make fun of me all day long." (Jeremiah 20:7–8 NCV) Nevertheless, Jeremiah couldn’t hold back or hold it in. “Then I said, I will not make mention of Him, Nor speak anymore in His name....But His word was in my heart like a burning fire Shut up in my bones; and I was weary of holding it back, And I could not.” (Jeremiah 20:9)
Throughout the biblical record there were always those who mocked and scorned the dire warnings of God’s prophets; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos; yes, all of God’s messengers were ridiculed and scoffed at. The majority of the people would not believe that God would judge their nation, they refused to believe that God would destroy their nation. The prophets would forewarn them of impending invasions by godless, ruthless enemies, and that horrific calamities were approaching, but the people laughed them off in scorn, disbelief, and in contempt. In their pride and in their blindness they refused to believe that God was going to judge and destroy their nation using godless foreign invaders.
Joel prophesied of a mighty army, doing the Lord’s bidding. Joel cried out, “Great is the army that carries out His word!” (Joel 2:11). The irony of the modern day church is that we’ve turned this into a song about the people of God, however, that is 180 degrees opposite of and completely wrong in regards to it’s original meaning and context. Joel was talking about the foreign invaders that were going to judge the apostate nation, not the people of God. Joel’s dire warning was; ”A people come, great and strong, The like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them, Even for many successive generations. A fire devours before them, And behind them a flame burns; The land is like the Garden of Eden before them, And behind them a desolate wilderness; Surely nothing shall escape them.” (Joel 2:2–3)
In similar manner the Prophet Habakkuk prophesied the word of the Lord; “Look among the nations and watch—Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you.” (Hab. 1:5) And, once again, the modern church has wrested this verse completely out of context and turned it into a “ blessing promise” rather than the dire warning it was actually intended to be. For the very next verse tells us what that work of the Lord was going to be that was so utterly astounding! “For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, A bitter and hasty nation Which marches through the breadth of the earth, To possess dwelling places that are not theirs. They are terrible and dreadful...They all come for violence; Their faces are set like the east wind...” (Habakkuk 1:6–9)
Yes. It was utterly astounding to the people of the nation that God had raised up, that the prophets were now telling them He was about to bring destruction upon them. And not only that, but that He was going to use ruthless, merciless, foreign invaders as His rod of judgement. Yes, they would not believe it though it were told to them. They absolutely refused to believe that the sword of judgement and calamity was going to be unleashed upon them. And, for those who refused to believe, God also had a very specific word for them: “All the sinners of My people shall die by the sword, Who say, ‘The calamity shall not overtake nor confront us.’ (Amos 9:10).
The U.S.A. is headed for calamity. There are those who mistakenly believe that God will save America thru political machinations but that is a pure deception. No President, and no political process can or will, “make America great again”, at least not in the way that it really needs to be great. Not in the way that really matters, not while this nation continues to reject God in it’s institutions and government, and persists in its multiple abominations. Not only persisting in these abominations, but actually adding to them! Heaping up for themselves an even greater judgement!
There isn't a kingdom or a nation that you could point to in all the word of God that maintained, sustained, and persistently walked in the kinds of abominations that God emphatically and repeatedly warns against being committed in the land, that God did not ultimately Judge. The prophet Amos cried out “Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are on the sinful kingdom, And I will destroy it from the face of the earth;” (Amos 9:8)
There are those who will not want to hear this...however...
When Donald Trump stood up in front of the UN and began his remarks with the boasting of all he’s accomplished in the first two years of his presidency, (I cringed in my spirit), the delegates at the UN broke out in laughter and chuckling. Most of us as Americans giggled and laughed too, shrugging it off and saying “well, that’s Trump. It’s kind of funny.” But has God ever countenanced pride in a National leader? The Bible time and time again has warned against prideful national leaders and how they and their kingdoms will be taken down because of this pride! (Don't misconstrue my point as being anti-Trump, I supported most of his policies, but this is about biblical truth and not my personal feelings). The Bible is replete with examples. When Nebuchadnezzar stood up and declared how great his empire was and all that he had built and accomplished, and all that he did, God then drove him into the wilderness for seven years in a state madness to live like an animal, in order to humble him. When Belshazzar gave a great feast to revel in the prosperity and riches of his kingdom, in that very same hour, the hand of God wrote on the wall. “You have been weighed in the balances, and found wanting...” (Daniel 5:27) That very night Belshazzar, king of the Chaldean's, was slain. And the Medes conquered Babylon. Even King David's kingdom whom the Lord called, "a man after my own heart" came under judgement because David in his pride decided to number the men of war in Israel and Judah. (1st Chronicles 21:1-7)
Americas judgment is not an if, it is a when. I am not saying I know when that ‘when’ is, but I am saying it is inevitable. And perhaps sooner than many of us even think. But when it comes, it will be sudden. Therefore, I plead with you, be prepared. Both spiritually and naturally. Stock up on emergency food and supplies, it never hurts to be prepared for any emergency situation in the natural. However, first and foremost be prepared spiritually. Are you Born Again and saved? Are you forgiven, cleansed, and washed of all your sins through the blood of Jesus? Are you living for Jesus, longing for His presence? Are you living for Him, come what may? Are you ready for a suddenly?
- Andy White -