There is something I often say time and time again, in fact, I say it so much that my wife often cringes when she hears me say it! For me, it is just something that is so biblically self-evident and historically obvious that it astounds me that anyone (other than an atheist) would even dispute it. The statement is simply, "The political maneuverings and machinations of men and of nations are nothing less than the prophetic determinations of the living God!"
The Prophet Isaiah cried out; “Behold, the nations are as a drop in a bucket, And are counted as the small dust on the scales; Look, He lifts up the isles as a very little thing... All the nations before Him are as nothing, And they are counted by Him less than nothing and worthless." (Isaiah 40:15;17)
Daniel stated it quite plainly; “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, For wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings…” (Daniel 2:20–21):
There is without any question a myriad of scriptures that could be referenced to illustrate the point, “In order that the living may know That the Most High rules in the kingdom of men, Gives it to whomever He will, And sets over it the lowest of men.’ (Daniel 4:17)
Recognizing that this is such an absolute and fundamental truth then, therefore what we refer to as the “Geo-politics” of this world, ought to be more rightly called the “Geo–Prophetical” actions of Almighty God!
God has always moved Geo-prophetically!
When He didn’t like what was going on at the Tower of Babel He scattered the people, confused their language, and set them out to establish the nations.
When God saw that it was time to start a new line of people dedicated and separated to Himself apart from the false worship and paganism that those nations devolved into, He called out a man named Abram, out from his home, Ur of the Chaldean’s and brought him into a new land that God would make His own!
When the iniquities of the Amorites in the land of Canaan had filled up the cup of His wrath, He brought Israel out of the land of Egypt (where He had previously providentially sent them) and brought them into the land of Canaan to drive out those Amorites and all the inhabitants of that land because of their gross demonic paganism and vile practices.
I could recount story, after historical story, in both the biblical record as well as the secular record to show how God has always moved geo-prophetically! Throughout the bible we see God raising up, moving, and using, one nation against another for His Divine purposes! And guess what! He has not changed one bit! And just to be clear, let it be clearly understood that He’s not the cause of their evil, nor is He the author of their wickedness. However, He uses these things in his foreknowledge to accomplish His eternal purposes! As it is written, these things are, “…predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will…” (Ephesians 1:11).
The greatest example of this truth is to recognize that God used the wicked, evil intentions, and the political machinations of the ruler’s and leader’s in Jesus’ day to crucify Him! Yes! God used their political wickedness for His eternal purpose! The redemption of the whole world!
And that brings us too today and now!
Ahhhhh...yes...there is so much that is going on prophetically today and now in the geo-political realm! Yet to the unknowledgeable and undiscerning, to the myopically earth bound, it is simply only about politics, or just economics, or just some societal thing. People see what is going on in the world today, and especially in the Middle East, yet many, if not most, do not understand what is really going on! And the reason they do not understand what is going on, the reason they fail to comprehend these things, is because they are either completely ignorant of biblical prophecy or completely reject and are dismissive of biblical prophecy! Neither of which is a good place to be in! However, for those with discerning and spiritual eyes we know and we understand (at least we ought to), that there is so much more going on than merely these politically incidental and situational, or societal circumstances, but rather, what we are seeing unfolding before us is the eternal plan of God coming to pass right before our eyes! And right now there is a whole lot of “Geo–Prophetical” maneuverings taking place on a global scale!
It is beyond the scope of this article to exhaustively delve into all the details of the geo-political prophetic eschaton. However, I do want to simply highlight a few of the major things that we need to be aware of and need to be watching. The Bible shows us that in the last days there will be several different governmental entities that will all be vying for power, hegemony, and dominance. There are global alliances and confederation’s that the prophetic scriptures tell us will be at play in the days before the return of The Lord. Powers such as the Prince of Persia, (Iran), and the Gog and the Magog Confederacy, (Ez.38-39) and “the King of the North” (Turkey) that we read about in Dan. 11, There is also the coalition of "The Kings of the East"
All of these are deserving of their own articles and book chapters, however, again, my aim in this article is to simply touch briefly upon these Geo-political, Geo-Prophetical maneuverings to make you aware of them. Because they are taking shape and are coming together according to the biblical pattern even as I speak!
Now, before I proceed, I would like to make it clear that I realize there are differing viewpoints regarding the things that will follow. What follows will be how I see things unfolding in the times ahead based upon my 40 years of studying the scriptures, and yes, even changing my views over time regarding some things as I gained more insight and understanding over the years. My current views are the culmination of a diligent and ongoing study of scripture as well as a diligent pursuit of watching and evaluating what is actually going on geo-politically around the globe. And watching these things from a biblical perspective and worldview.
The New Multi-Polar World Order
One thing I need to briefly address is the mistaken notion of a “one world government”. There is this ubiquitous idea that there will be a total and complete uni-polar world order. Now, to be sure, that is certainly the aim of globalists, megalomaniacal despots, and the desire of imperialistic world powers such as those for instance, who desire a worldwide Theocratic Islamic Caliphate like the Ayatollahs of Iran, or an Erdogan of Turkey. On the other side of the coin you have the atheistic and global hegemonic desires of a Xi Jinping of China. The point being, as the bible does indeed show, is that there are a lot of competing world powers who are all desiring essentially the same thing albeit from different ideological worldviews. And this is critical to understand! Because it lines up perfectly with what the Bible describes regarding these last days alliances of nations!
As I already mentioned, many have a very mistaken idea that there will be a literally singular unified, unipolar, world government. But that is not what the Bible actually teaches. What it does show is that there are different alliances vying for dominance and that one of those will arise right before the return of the Lord and will be the Kingdom of the Beast. The Antichrist who will rule over a ten-nation confederacy. And this is the critical part that most seem to miss. The Anti-Christ rules over a ten-nation confederacy! Not, the whole world. (The idea that the Anti-Christ rules over the whole world is a misconstrued and a misunderstanding of a few passages in Revelation. We need to note that "literary hyperbole" is used in Revelation regarding this kingdom to emphasize the quick and sudden rise to power of the Antichrist and the military strength of his kingdom, however when you compare scripture with scripture you see that he leads a ten-nation kingdom and confederacy, not the whole world. This “literary hyperbole” is also used in a similar manner in the gospel of Luke 2:1 for example where we read that Caesar Augustus declared that “all the world” should be registered in a census. It should be quite clear that Caesar wasn’t literally taking a census of the whole world, but only of his kingdom, the Roman Empire. He had no authority or jurisdiction to take a census of Persia or of India, or of the far east for that matter! No. The term "the whole world" is simply used hyperbolically. This should help to clarify that mistaken idea.)
This confederacy of the antichrist is described in Ezekiel as Magog, whose leader is Gog, which is simply just another title for the Antichrist. In Daniel he is called “the King of the North”, in Isaiah and Micah he is called “the Assyrian”, they are all just different descriptions of the same person! And we see in Daniel 11 that “the king of the north” wages war against the “king of the south”, kingdom against kingdom, as Jesus said it would be in the last days, but we also read in Daniel 11:44, how news of an attack from the north and east causes him to go into a rage against those forces which we can see from Revelation 16:12 are the “kings of the east”. This “king of the east” is also alluded to in Isaiah 46:9-11. Daniel 11 focuses on the military campaign(s) of the Anti-Christ. And again, there is much to be said regarding all these things that are beyond the scope of this article, but I do hope to whet your appetite to be a Berean and search these things out! Because there are “popular” end times teachings out there that are simply not biblically sound nor consistent with the whole of prophetic scripture and sadly it brings much confusion to the saints. But worse yet these mistaken ideas and notions will cause many to be unprepared for the things that are coming! Many are looking in the wrong places, and for the wrong things, and they will be thrown into utter confusion and despair because of it. That concerns me. The point I want to make right now is that despite what many think or have been led to believe , there is never going to be a completely successful “one world global government”, try as they may, with despots and tyrants being want they are with all their imperialistic and hegemonic desires, they will be warring against each other, right up till the final battle of Armageddon. And that is clearly want all the prophetic apocalyptical scriptures taken together show!
What can we expect to see coming down the pike?
What we can expect to see, in fact, and is very much already happening, is a geo-prophetical global shifting of power towards a muti-polar world order. (see here)
This “NEW MULTI - Polar world order” is something that both Putin, and Xi Jinping have explicitly stated they are working towards in their newly forged military and economic alliances.
In 2001 Russia signed on with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization along with several other “Stan” countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan's etc, Pakistan and India as well). This SCO is an economic and security alliance. (See here). I happen to believe this Shanghai Cooperation Organization, is possibly the formation of ‘the kings of the east’ we read about in Dan. 11 and Revelation. In fact, back in 2019 China and Russia had the largest joint military exercise ever together which they had code named “East” interestedly enough. I believe a good case can be made for this China - Russia alliance along with the other nations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as being the confederation of “the Kings of the east”.
Back in 2016, Angela Merkel of Germany getting very nervous of Vladimir Putin’s cozying up to Xi Jinping sent Putin a strongly worded message, she wrote Putin and said; ‘You are making a big mistake going rogue from the New World Order – come into the fold before it’s too late.’ Putin wasn't intimidated by Merkel needless to say, and basically laughed her off because Putin as well as Xi Jinping are intent on building not on a New One World Order but building a “New Multi-polar World Order.” Furthermore, both Putin an Xi are seeing what just about everyone else is seeing, which is that The Euro Centric NWO is weakening and falling apart and it is only a matter of time before there is a radical global realignment. The west is in decline and collapsing and if anyone thinks that it is not, they are either in denial or not paying attention.
Putin has been talking about this new multipolar world for years and just last year he said this; “…global economic development has led to the appearance of a multipolar world order...It has been established, a unipolar world does not exist anymore". Putin went on to say, "After the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was an illusion that this (uni-polar) world is possible and could exist for a long time, However, it was just an illusion. I have always said that, and recent events serve as a testament to this…A multipolar world is a result of economic relations…After the Second World War, the American share in world GDP constituted 50%, and now, China’s share is bigger than the US one. China is ahead of the US in its share in the global GDP and in other areas, for example, in parity of purchasing power,” Putin stated. He added that such figures "inevitably lead to changes in many other areas... "A world cannot have a unipolar structure with just one center that controls the entire global community," Putin stressed. "In this sense, our cooperation with China is very important. We will strengthen our multilateral strategic ties, and I am confident that this will benefit both the Chinese and Russian people," (Vladimir Putin - see here)
And those are just Putin’s aspirations. Then there is Xi Jinping with his own aspirations. Playing one end against the other while appearing to be playing along with everyone! It is how despotic megalomaniacs roll. White House trade adviser Peter Navarro back in 2020 claimed that China was “very aggressively” trying to “gain control" of agencies of the United Nations. “...let me give you a kind of bigger look at the chessboard here because the U.N. itself has 15 specialized agencies including the WHO, the World Intellectual Property Organization, things like that...It all tracks to China's view of the world and how they want to control different types of international organizations, even as they don't play by the international rules...."All I can keep telling you is that China's attempt to control basically every organization within the United Nations through their colonial powers, through bribery, through other things, [has caused] tremendous damage to this country and to this world." (see here)
Well...china may want control of the UN organizations...
However, they’ll have a tough time wrestling it away from the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) and President of Turkey Recep Erdogan vision of grandeur of a Revived Ottoman Empire. In a recent Yeni Safak editorial (an official state Turkish newpaper) Erdogan stated, (see here)
"There will no longer be a US image, EU model, or Atlantic order. There is no longer a U.S. image. There is no longer any such thing as the European Union. The world order of the West and the Atlantic axis is no more...Those that exploited the entire world, seized resources and markets, those that punished and destroyed the ones who rejected their claims, those that think they are the lord of the earth are now unable to find a $1-mask to distribute to their people....A new world will be established. States will become withdrawn. National production will come to the fore...The epidemic is going to end, and humanity is going to wake up to a new world. Whether we accept it or not, a new world is going to be established. A world whose axis has changed, a world in which power and wealth have changed hands, the political and economic order have changed character, and which questions the Western lifestyle will take shape.”
The editorial went on to say…
"After this corona pandemic that we are experiencing, it is clearly seen that nothing will be the same in the world. The era of those who create a false prosperity on the back of other people and countries is nearing the end. We are on the brink of an era in which we will reap the benefits of the powerful base we have built. In this new course ahead of us, we have the capability to attain a more powerful position, economically and politically. in this new world that is being built, we will all work harder to claim our place in the most powerful way. The obstacles in front of Turkeys 2023 goals are being removed on their own. Together with our nation, we will complete the construction of a major and powerful Turkey."
President Erdogan of Turkey seeks to restore and revive the Ottoman empire which I believe will become the Magog Confederacy of Ezekiel 38/39. The ancient geographical territory of Magog was what is now modern day Turkey. (Whether Erdogan succeeds in this or a successor to him remains to be seen, but this is Turkey’s prophetic destiny.)
The End Game
As you can see, all these different world leader’s and geo-political alliances all have similar goals yet conflicting selfish interests. They will work together for a while, but the day will come when “the kings of the east”, and “the king of the north”, who is the Antichrist, Gog of the Land of Magog, the head of the Kingdom of the Beast will all clash in battle, all hating each other and ultimately all hating Israel, because they hate THE GOD OF ISRAEL! They will come against each other, and they will come against the Land of Israel in the very end. And then Gog and his armies will be destroyed on the Mountains of Israel in that great and final day at the Battle of Armageddon, and all the nations that will come up to battle in Israel will be consumed by the Glory of Jesus when He returns to destroy them all in the Valley of Megiddo! "Then the Lord will go forth And fight against those nations, As He fights in the day of battle. And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives..." (Zech.14:3-4).
There is a lot that will happen between now and then of course, but we are well on our way in my estimation. But ultimately where this is all heading is to ground zero! Ground Zero at the end of all things will be Israel, it is Jerusalem. For the day is coming when as the Prophet Joel prophesied that: “For behold, in those days and at that time, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem... (this happened in 1948) …I will also gather all nations, And bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; And I will enter into judgment with them there On account of My people, My heritage Israel, Whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land...Assemble and come, all you nations, And gather together all around. Cause Your mighty ones to go down there, O LORD. “Let the nations be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; For there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations..." (Joel 3)
"It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." (Zech.12:9)
Let me begin to wrap this up. This is without a doubt a huge topic, and I only touched upon these things briefly for the sake of trying to keep this article reasonably short. As I stated at the top of the article this was not meant in any way to be an exhaustive treatise on the eschaton. But my hope is that I have given you enough to help you gain a little bit of an understanding of what is "geo-prophetically" happening and encourage you to search these issues out further. And just one more thing! You may have noticed I never mentioned America here. That was on purpose. I am going to leave that for another article. All I will say here at the moment is that I solemnly believe judgment is coming to America and that we will be removed from being a world power. But the bottom line is this: all the MAJOR POWERS and all the conflicting Geo-political interests are on a Divine collision course! And when these worlds all collide, rest assured that God Almighty’s "Geo-Prophetical Maneuverings" are being played out all according to His Divine Plan! He will have the final say! Maranatha!
Andy White
Iran, Russia, And Turkey: A Eurasionist Model Of Foreign Relations – Analysis – Eurasia Review
All this movement, gradual, implicit, and spontaneous, is inching toward a league of states hostile in varying measure to the status quo led by the West, more particularly the Anglo-Saxons, and preeminently the Americans: China, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Russia (on again, off again), with Germany in a pacifistic Wagnerian fairy tale of unique virtue while the Anglo-Saxons with general French cooperation support the Arabs and Israelis against the Iranians and Turks, and support the Indians, Japanese, and others to resist the encroachments of China.